Friday, September 21, 2007
sKin cArE rOuTiNe B4 MAKEUP

Before u should start with any make up on yr face please wash yr face and the most importantly is to apply SUNBLOCK be it u are of any age!!!
It is most important to any makeup or to use expensive skincare products!!!It protects u ofcourse from the sun which is most harmful to skin which causes
SKIN CANCER!!!The harmful effects of the sun rays also
delay the healing rate of yr skin if u have any scars....and ofcourse causing u
freckles and if u start using a sunblock u can prevent the formation of all these problems in the future.... Especially u like outdoor activities...
U can choose from an SPF of 15, 20, 30( it protect from 2 hrs onwards) ....the sunblock nowsaday are no longer the OILY TEXTURE so u can easily find one which suits yr skin,,,try on yr hand if u dont have a "heavy" feel on yr skin it means its not oily.
So if u cant block the sun with yr bare hands.....Start applying SUNBLOCK!!!

is just simply gorgeous 12:05 AM