Monday, September 17, 2007
Makeup lesson 1

No matter whats yr age n what character you have...the trick to create the best 1st impression is through your eyes....especially yr lashes....they are the beautiful curtains to yr windows,.beautiful eyes are to "hook up" all the spirits of on lookers ...making them turn their heads to take a second look at u.......
If yr lashes are not as long as mine or not as curve as Brendan's...the best trick is to get L'x x x xx brand of mascara, the one with 2 ends (black n white fiber)
Pretti-mum method of application:
1) First use a curler to curl yr lashes; curl from yr roots then slowly curl till the end
2) Apply the black mascara first, wait for 3 seconds
3) Apply the white fiber ONLY at the ends not the roots!!!
4) Apply the black mascara again from the ends
5) U r done and y have lashes as long as mine.....
is just simply gorgeous 10:45 PM